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St Leonard's financial provision relies entirely on the generous giving of its members. Ten percent of that giving is sent to help support charities and church related ministries in the UK and abroad. Our Parish Share paid annually to the Diocese of Oxford, provides our clergy salaries and housing as well as contributing to the wider national church. We really appreciate your support in this way, thank you so much!
There are various ways to give to St Leonard's that can be found below. If you would like to discuss the best way for yourself please contact our Treasurer.
If you would like to give by regular standing order, please download this form and return to your bank.
If you would like to give online, just click the button below!
Gifts can be made online via the BACS banking system using the details below. Please ensure you give some form of reference, purpose or instruction with your gift.

To give via paypal click on the donate button or send via your own paypal account to our treasurer.

If you are a UK tax payer you can increase your gift to the church and other charities by filling in a
Gift Aid form. St Leonard's can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give. It won’t cost you any extra.
Please fill in and sign it (because it needs your signature we cannot do this online)
Send to: The Treasurer, St Leonard's Church Office, Parish Centre, Glebe Way, Chesham Bois, HP6 5ND
More information on donating to charities including information for those who pay tax at the higher or additional rate can be found here.
Online BACS
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