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Living in Freedom brings together fundamental biblical teaching that enables us to live more effectively in our God given identities and free from all that entangles – the abundant life promised to the followers of Jesus.  The truth of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus and the presence of the Holy Spirit in every born again believer are the foundations of all that we teach.



In Living In Freedom 1 we explore the reality of God’s original design for individuals and creation and that Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost – to restore the creation order in a fallen world. The truth of the covenant promises and the reality of the presence of God’s Kingdom are covered as we look at the reality of the two realms and fullness of our identity in Christ. We see how we can fulfil the promise of Jesus when He says we will do the things that He has been doing – through the good practices of regular repentance and being ready to forgive others combined with the truth that all God’s children can hear His voice, we see where our sin patterns have given the demonic access to our lives and how we can rid ourselves of these hindrances to our freedom in Jesus.  We will begin to realise the extent of the authority we have in Jesus and so how we can live as overcomers. Freedom is ours in Christ, let us learn how to live in this in practice.



Living in Freedom 2 takes us deeper into the biblical truths opened up in the first part of this teaching series.  We look at the reality of supernatural living, deepening our prophetic experience and recognising the power of words – positively as well as negatively.  Warfare is another focus as we seek to root out religion, offence, and rebellion and we address the issue of disappointment and despair as we seek to stay faith filled and walking in victory.  There is also time to reflect on the power of unity, where the Lord commands the blessing and we experience the fullness of His favour.

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